The speckled trout... There is no other fish in our bay systems that is more pursued by fishermen. Nor, is there one more beautiful.

Here are a few stories from past issues that will get you ready to find and fight the big 'uns.

A Texas Record - An awesome day of huge fish that may never be repeated.

Trophy Trout Time in Texas - Monster trout lurk in Texas waters.

Hot Water Trout - What you should know to effectively fish hot weather.

Topwater Trout - Trout on top in the Lower Laguna Madre.

Trout on Ultralight Tackle - When all else fails, go light!

Galveston's Cold Water Trout - Cold weather means great fishing.

Of Spring, Specks and the Chandeleur Islands - Nothing's finer than the Chandeleur's in Spring

Spoon Feeding Saltwater Fish - trout and them some...
